




mungkin belum…..


4 responses to “Bukan”

  1. gajian?
    lha iya, wong kamu kerjanya belum ada sebulan kok minta gaji?

  2. ::::joesatch yang legendaris
    wah, wes jan sampeyan ki matre tenan!! hahahaa, tapi iya juga seeh, blom sebulan ya?? huaaaaa…lama betuuull!!!

  3. *sambil mikir* nnnngggg…apa yak…

    *satu menit kemudian* ahhhhaaaa….i know…
    tenang fie…sabar…pasti akan ada waktu yang tepay :p (sotoy mode : on)

  4. :::tata
    kalo dipikir2…kok kayak milih baju ya??
    *bukan..yang ini bukan..bukan…*

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About Me

Afi is a working mother with three children enjoying life’s roller coaster. She loves learning and studying something new, even though sometimes she gets dizzy thinking about studying. She is confident as an extrovert, although she sometimes feels introverted at the same time. Likes books, although occasionally lazy to finish them. Likes to travel, only if with children and husband. The office worker who avoids business trips for fear of sleeping alone in a hotel room. :)
